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Regarding blood and pain when urinating (Male, 28)?

There's a few details relevant to the question. First and foremost, the circumstances.

In short, I sat down on the toilet one day to go about my business and began urinating. Suddenly, however, I experienced a sharp, internal pain near the end of my penis, one sharp enough to force me to stop entirely. Immediately afterward, droplets of blood began to come out of my urinary tract.

It should be noted that, despite feeling the pain while urinating, immediately after stopping, all pain ceased. Were it not for the blood coming out of the end of my penis, I wouldn't believe anything strange had even occurred.

Thereafter, when I had to urinate again, I would feel pain if I tried to urinate freely, but managed to avoid both pain and bleeding if I restricted flow so as to urinate very gently. After doing this for a pair of days, I noted a gradual recovery, wherein I could ease up on how much I was restricting the flow with no adverse effects.

By the third day, I was peeing regularly, for the most part, the whole ordeal was seemingly just an odd thing that had happened but gone away just as quickly. However, today, two days later, I felt the sudden sharp pain again, followed by the whole bleeding process all over again.

I do not bleed if I don't urinate, nor is there blood in my urine if I don't experience the pain. I do not have a fever or any lower back pain. By all accounts, I feel perfectly normal, EXCEPT when I go ahead and proceed to urinate. And, even then, once all is said and done, there isn't even lingering pain.

Given that and how close to the end of the urinary tract the sharp pain is, I'm inclined to think it's something wrong with the tract itself rather than anything further in, but ultimately can only make that deduction based on how it feels. The fact that it seems to recover as long as I don't "push it" is another point I find odd since it seems more in line with an injury than anything else, but I haven't engaged in any recent sexual activity either.

For now, as long as I am careful about how I urinate, everything is relatively normal, but I do not know if this is something I can just keep regulating and expect to clear up on its own, or if I do truly need to visit a doctor to fix the problem, the latter question, of course, one I am forced to make since I have no health insurance and cannot comfortably afford the consultation, let along with the tests and prescriptions that may arise.

Male | 28 years old
Complaint duration: 5 days

1 Answer

You describe what might be a small kidney stone in urethritis. It can be tiny but irritating when stuck and blood indicates scratches. A second possibility is an inflammatory infection. Urethritis from infection evolves at times with erosion. Drinking three quarts of fluids each and every day is essential in either case. Avoiding sexual activity is essential. The resolution will occur. Infection testing is important.