Urologist Questions Urologist

STI/STD or something else?

I had unprotected sex at the beginning of this January, about 3 weeks to a month later I noticed a tiny cluster of spots where the base of the penis meets the testes. None of the bumps hurt, it itches around that area but never on the site directly. I recently met a girl and the last thing I would want is to give her some kind of STD or STI. I wasn't concerned at the time but it's been at least a month and I just haven't been able to get into the doctors yet, so for now, just a second opinion by someone who knows what they are talking about would be wonderful.

Male | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 0/1/0

2 Answers

Picture is too out of focus
To me, those look like hair follicles. Did you recently shave in that area? You still need to see someone to confirm my “picture visual“ is correct but I think those are just hair follicles.