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Serious inquiry?

Hello, I have been struggling with health issues for a couple of years now. So much that it has cost me several jobs and I generally feel crippled due to the issues I've had. I have been having issues using the bathroom (while I struggle with hemorrhoids - They have never caused me an inability to pass a bowel movement.) Over the last year or two, I have went from 1-2 times a day, to now 2-4 times weekly/biweekly even. It's normally either a full toilet bowl of blood and black/very dark brown stool (oftentimes flat but occasionally it looks like wet bread with snot all over it. Or just snotty stuff.) My stomach constantly hurts. Sometimes after I eat (although it is only 1 meal per day - I cannot finish it. I end up puking afterward. My throat burns. Like acid reflux.) I dont have an appetite. I used to eat constantly, now I struggle to eat 1 meal in a day. I feel weak. I am constantly getting infections. I feel like my immune system is not what it once was. I'm constanly fatigued and my physical strength is lacking. I generally dont feel well.

Male | 27 years old
Complaint duration: 1-2years
Medications: none
Conditions: n/a

1 Answer

You have to see a gastroenterologist promptly. You have several so-called alarm symptoms suggesting serious disease. Good luck!
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