Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

Sharp pain in heart

In the past year I have a had a ep study and oblation generally speaking everything has been ok I have had a couple episodes of svt but nothing major.. here and there I will get a sharp pain in my heart that is like a lightning bolt but like once every few months. In the last three day I have gotten quite unwell and yesterday have been tested and being treated for Scarlet fever. In the last three days these heart pains have increased to atleast 4-5 times a day they are so painful it makes me scream out in pain. I'd also like to say I am 9 weeks pregnant. Is this normal after an oblation or should I call my cardiology team or could this be due to the scarlet fever.

Female | 28 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: Antibiotics for Scarlet fever, pregnancy vitamins
Conditions: Svt , scarlet fever, pregnant

1 Answer

Sharp pains may be pleuritic and could represent a pericardial process.