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Should I go to a hospital or a doctor with new PTSD symptoms?

I have been in a treatment program and I have an old PTSD diagnosis. I am deeply spiritual and maintain my mental health with spiritual practice and behavior mods. In fact, I was doing so well I got a job and realized quickly I would need to arrange my work schedule to keep up with treatment appointments. I tried repeatedly to address the need with different managers. I went unheard and missed 30 minutes of an hour-long group for several weeks. I continued to ask for help finally getting a manager to make the request. I began having trouble juggling appointments and started to disassociate at home I kept a front at work to keep home life away from work. I thought I would get better once needs were met and appointments arranged correctly. I had to use my lunch break for my group session and began to fear losing my treatment program altogether. I also had other issues at work, our store had a theft slot of it.

I had my attention diverted more than once and of course accidents can happen with customers but this was beyond that I was doing all in my power to keep alert and had patrons take advantage by leaving the store with our merchandise. I was blamed and was not heard outright by management. I began to fear more for my safety and the store. Anything could have been used to cause harm anyone could try diversion tactics we are taught this in training. My management started calling me out by my last name so intimidating. Then my hours were cut in half with no explanation. I wanted answers but was afraid of not being heard by management maybe even job retaliation. I feared my hours were not being kept properly and heard my manager at my house. I continued to dissociate further to hear a voice this was a new symptom. I did all I could to remain quiet to stay in my spiritual practice but ultimately had to make the decision to seek medical care. I left the store and filed reports. Now I have no pay. And do not want to make a mistake. Do I go to behavioral health or see a private doctor? I will have to pursue work compensation.

Female | 43 years old
Complaint duration: 10/11/21-present
Conditions: None

4 Answers

Based on your comments, seek professional help from a team of MH professionals - psychologist and psychiatrist who are experienced in treating PTSD and can work together as team.

So good you reached out. I don’t know what resources you have in your community, but if you were in the area I know best, which has large general hospitals, small suburban hospitals, and many facilities for mental health care (in and out-patient), I would seek a referral for a brief inpatient stay with the purpose of diagnosis and some medication. Those people could also arrange an outpatient therapist or group. Basically you can interrupt this slide from good functioning and return to your previous stability by getting some treatment - likely medication - now.

Best of luck,

Dr. Marian Shapiro
Choosing a provider might depend on your insurance coverage. I recommend someone who already knows your full health history and with whom you have a good rapport. I would suggest getting an official doctor's note to take to the employer that you are exempt from your work duties until this gets resolved. You may need to choose employment which supports your mental health care needs.
You should see your doctor as soon as you can, but also please go to behavioral health. Your health is important.