Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Should I see a psychiatrist for ADHD?

I think my daughter has ADHD. What should I do? Should I see a psychiatrist for ADHD?

5 Answers

can't hurt
It depends. Hello. I'm Dr. Rosana Marzullo-Dove at Tampa Therapy and Wellness. If your daughter is a child, it might be worth talking to the school counselor first to see if they can test/assess her for symptoms of ADHD. After you get that result, you can set a plan with the school (Plan 504 or IEP) to see how they can help her. Another thing would be having her work with an ADHD specialist (therapist) to learn skills to deal with the issues. If this all fails, I'd recommend seeing a child psychiatrist for meds. If the person is an adult - a Psychiatrist or a Psychologist (specializing in ADHD) can help her. Be well

Hello,a neuropsychologist can do testing to determine if a patient has ADHD. A psychiatrist can prescribe medication for ADHD. There are several medications available.
A detailed history and cognitive evaluation by a psychologist would be a
good first step.
First take Dr. Amen's screening assessment for ADD. Consider signing up for Purchase resource book called healing ADD by Dr. Amen
then...see this link