Sports Medicine Specialist Questions Physical Therapy

Should PT be recommended in any sport for any age?

I am a 39 year old male and play hockey recreationally, but on a schedule. Should I visit a sports medicine specialist to help prevent any injury? I'd hate for a preventable injury to happen just because I wasn't prepared.

16 Answers

The best way to prevent injury, especially as we age, is cross-training. A personal trainer and strengthening program combined with a flexibility program are very important. Sustained increased water intake, decreased alcohol intake, and a healthy anti-inflammatory diet all prevent injury.
You don't need a sports med doctor unless you're hurt. See a personal or athletic trainer for a preventative exercise program.
No need to visit a specialist. Make sure you stretch well and, since you’ve played this long, you have some basic exercises you can do to remain strong and flexible.
You can see a sports medicine specialist for preventative information. Dr. Kingston sees many patients for prevention that have questions about how to preform safely, especially if you have nagging little strains that worry you. You can also make sure you get a physical with a primary care doctor and some of them specialize in sports medicine, but do not do surgery. Make sure your skates are sharp, dangles are smooth and keep your head up!

William Viola
Yes, working with a Physical Therapist or a Certified Athletic Trainer is something I routinely recommend for recreational athletes, for this helps them with injury prevention workouts. These professionals can get you on a path of training that not only will prevent injury, but also will usually help you out perform your opponents.
You would benefit by working with a fitness trainer or athletic trainer. I do not see the need to work with a sports medicine specialist. Take care!
Have you heard of the term "prehabilitation". It's rehabilitation before you get hurt. The goal is to assess areas that could benefit from a balanced strengthening program. For you that could mean addressing glute and leg strength to help you pivot and skate quickly. Many injuries in hockey are trauma based but overuse issues can happen too. Seeking out a trainer would be a great idea pre-season!
Kudos for being proactive on this issue. Yes, a Sports Medicine Specialist can help you develop a preventive exercise program
that can maximize your sport ability and minimize risk of injury.
You should follow the same recommendations as everyone else, including regular follow-up at least once a year with your primary care physician to assess your general health and fitness. At that encounter ask all your questions regarding sport participation. If there are questions that your PCP cannot answer, consider seeing a sports medicine specialist.
You need to see a physical therapist only if your physician determines that doing so is necessary for management of a problem.
Yes, an exercise program which includes stretching, flexibility, range of motion and strengthening. It may be a home exercise program or Physical Therapist directed program if one is healthy enough from your primary care physicians standpoint.
Maybe. A really skilled PT who can accurately asses muscle balance and strength would have some benefit. That PT is one of a few, however. Having said that, muscle or alignment imbalance, if detected early and corrected, would be helpful with preventing injuries. Mostly, I would suggest that you always compete within your limits.
Educating yourself on the most common injuries hockey players sustain should be your first step. Knowing this information allows you to equip yourself safely and appropriately before playing. Next, know the people you play with and the type of league you're in so you'll know their level of play and if they are hard checkers or if the league is more "polite". Next, the best thing you can do to help prevent injury is increasing your skill level (practice) and become profoundly conditioned. The more conditioned you are from an endurance standpoint and strength standpoint allows you to increase your dynamic (muscle) protection of your ligaments and joints.

You may not need a sports med specialist to help you with this, but rather good research.

Good Luck!!
Dear sir,

Anyone that participates in athletic activities, especially hockey, may need to see a sports medicine doctor at some point. Preventative medicine is always the best medicine. So then, yes, you should see a sports medicine expert to review all possible preventative measures in your sport.
I admire that you are looking to be proactive to prevent injury. Most people come to us only after having an injury. If you have any underlying medical problems or pre-existing conditions that may place you at risk playing hockey or sports in general (such as diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, etc.), I would recommend you discuss this first with your primary care doctor or a sports medicine specialist. If you are an otherwise healthy person who is just wanting to start or get back to playing hockey, I don't think you have to see a sports medicine specialist. However, I would recommend that you make sure you have the appropriate fitting protective equipment and that you participate in some sort of conditioning program prior to starting. Warming up and stretching prior to and then after is also important. Good luck and enjoy!
Yes because most athletes in the ages 30-60 donot follow a specific sport training program and more importantly learning from an expert about what to do and what not to do is well worth the time to prevent injury
There is a clear distinction between recovery from injuries and prevention. Physical therapists (or physiotherapists as they're known in Canada and Europe) are experts in musculoskeletal rehabilitation following injuries, both operative and non-operative. We (Orthopaedic surgeons) work closely with therapists as a team to get you back to pre-injury playing condition.
However, if you are not injured, then a conditioning expert, strength coach and a sport specific expert are the types of people who can asssit you in feeling and playing your best. Many sporting Injuries can not be prevented- they are just bad luck. Don't ignore pain or your injury when it does occur.