Emergency Physician Questions Emergency Physician

Should we be worried?

Yesterday my mother-in-law fell off the porch and she said she hit her head. Today she's been complaining of dizziness and moving around the house at a less than normal pace. She has type 2 diabetes but we checked her blood sugar and it was normal. She's stubborn and won't go to the emergency room.

Female | 64 years old
Complaint duration: 1 and a half days
Conditions: Type 2 diabetes

3 Answers

Yes, she may have a severe brain or artery disease and should go to the hospital ASAP.
Thank you.
The safest thing for your mother in law is to go to the emergency room to get checked.  If she refuses, then just keep an eye on her and make sure that she is progressively getting better.  Our biggest concern is that she may have had some bleeding in her brain.  If she has a headache, then she should have this checked out.  If there are worrisome signs or she is getting worse, you may have to take her to the emergency room yourself or call 911.  
She should go into the emergency room they should do a ct of her head since she is experiencing dizziness.