Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist

Sores on legs?

Hi - wondering what these on my legs may be? Started out as spots but quickly opened up to become more sores. If not constantly painful (pressurized feeling I think) they are certainly extremely sensitive and painful if touched. In the pic attached, the right hand and the bottom have like a firm cream-colored coating - best shown in the bottom pic.

I am type 2 diabetic, and correctly on 4xmetformin daily, 1 x lymecycline, 150mg sertraline.

I do plan on going back to my regular doctor as they aren’t getting better - and have worsened considerably since my doctor saw them, but it’s a bank holiday weekend. So, just looking for some advice/thoughts on what they could be and anything I should be doing until I get a doctor's appointment to help them and make them more comfortable.

Male | 42 years old
Complaint duration: 2 months
Medications: 150mg sertraline daily, 408mg lynecycline daily, 4xmetformin daily
Conditions: T2 diabetes, depression, general back skin

1 Answer

You need to see your dermatologist to check this out.

Suzanne Sirota Rozenberg, DO, FAOCD, FAAD