Urology Questions surgeon

Stints in bladder after kidney stone surgery?

I had surgery last July for kidney stones. The stints are still in. I'm urinating blood on and off and sometimes it's cloudy. Burning occurs when I go and I feel I have to go all the time. When I do go it's very limited. I believe it's the stints causing all this. You'd opinion, please.

Male | 57 years old
Complaint duration: 60 Days
Medications: Currently taking Saboxon 12mg once a Day
Conditions: Kidney Stones. Siatica left side of back. 2 brain surgeries for a typical Triginal Neuralgia 2002-2005

9 Answers

Stents have to be removed after about 3 months, or they get infected. Please see your Urologist!
Yes, stents are causing the blood, but should not make the urine cloudy. If you are not on antibiotics, probably should have urine culture to make sure you don’t have an infection.
I am sure your urologist has a plan. Blood maybe from stent, from stone or from infection. Important to make sure you don’t have a urine infection. If you have infection, you need antibiotics. Blood from stent is usually not heavy.
It sounds like they may be a urinary infection which will require antibiotic therapy. If the stents are still necessary, they need to be replaced every several months because they can get infected. It sounds like that is the case in this situation.
Your stents should not be in this long for kidney stones. You need to go have the stones addressed or have the stents exchanged. Most likely they are infected or obstructed.

Dr. Niko Lailas
You should go to urgent care first thing, bladder stents should not be in place longer than 3 months. You need to be evaluated by a urologist to see if the stents can be removed.
Yes your symptoms would all be consistent with a stent, and will be exacerbated if you have two stents. Try to avoid too much bending and lifting and keep up good fluid intake, but avoid caffeine.
Please speak to a Urologist about these questions. The key is to stay hydrated with at least 2,000 ml total daily of plum juice, Aloe Vera Juice, and distilled water.
The symptoms you describe are strongly suggestive of infection and yes they may involve the stents or the bladder only. You need to see your urologist as soon as possible and if you have any fever or pain go to your pcp ASAP or seek emergent care.

Adriana Cano.