Abdominal Surgeon Questions Gastroenterologist

Stomach pain?

I have had very bad pains in my right lower side now every day for 5 years I saw 4 GI doctors and they did find a bleeding ulcer. The pain is so bad I can't even stand I roll around on the floor for hours every day. I don't know what to do to relieve the pain I'm afraid one of these days is going to be my appendicitis Iand I think it will eventually go away.

Male | 52 years old
Complaint duration: 01 012016
Medications: None
Conditions: Bleeding ulcer hpylori

3 Answers

Not sure how to explain the pain if 4 different GI doctors were unable to. If I saw you as a patient, after 4 other GIs have seen you, I would do a very careful history and physical exam. Someone needs to establish what organ system is involved. I don't have any specifics of your case, but first, we need to establish that the pain is coming from the intestines. If the pain occurs intermittently, then sometimes it is best to be evaluated while it is happening. If you only see doctors when the pain is absent then it may be impossible to determine the cause. In many instances, I tell patients to get specific X-rays right at the time when the pain is occurring. This allows the best chance to find an abnormality. If you get X-rays when the pain is absent then nothing will show up.
Sounds like irritable bowel, which means pain caused by muscle spasms.An antispasmodic med may help so ask a primary care doc for help.
If you still have a duodenal ulcer you need to take a good daily dose of a PPI like omeprazole or pantoprazole. If you do have H Pylori you need to take a good course of appropriate antibiotics and Pepto Bismol (Bismuth). But other causes of chronic RLQ pain include chronic appendicitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and kidney stones. MRI or CT of the abdomen may ned to be done, and upper(and maybe lower) endoscopy needs to be repeated. Good luck!