Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist) Questions

Swelling in feet and ankles

I have noticed my feet and ankles swelling up quite bad it I stand in one area for too long, without much movement. It normally starts in one foot and starts in the other one a little later. One foot is always a lot worse than the other. Eventually both feet and ankles will be red, swollen and painful. Redness is normally very red on top of foot and gradually lessens at sides and bottom of foot. it swells pretty fast, the skin feels very tight and it will get very red. The skin feels warm, and it is painful if I touch the foot, some areas on foot are more painful than others when touched. Once swelling starts it will hurt to walk, eventually becoming so painful to walk that I absolutely cannot walk anymore and I’ll have to go lay in bed and elevate my feet. Normally if I sleep with my feet elevated, swelling is pretty much all gone by the time I wake in the morning and I’m able to walk again. Sometimes I have to stay in bed with feet elevated for a little longer for me to be able to actually stand up and walk, and swelling to go down. But the foot kind of stays painful to the touch in certain areas for a few days almost feeling like the skin would be bruised. I was wondering if this is all due to the standing for prolonged periods of time with little movement? Or could anything else be causing all of these symptoms?

Female | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 1 month
Medications: None
Conditions: None

6 Answers

It is best you see a vascular doctor to evaluate the lower extremity blood flow. Also see your primary care doctor there could be other systemic issues that is causing the swelling.
What is your age, How is your blood pressure? Your weight may also play an important part in your swelling. Is there any heart disease, varicose veins, Lymphedema There are many factors that may be involved. I do recommend Knee high compression hose or socks, and if you have not seen a Cardiologist I would as soon as possible if swelling remains. I am always happy to evaluate and treat or refer out if the cause is from Vascular system.
You most likely have venous insufficiency causing tarsal tunnel in your feet since the swelling improves with elevation.  Initial treatment usually includes compression stockings but other options such as a venous pump, diuretic pills or venous surgery can be considered. Please visit your podiatrist or vascular doctor as soon as possible since without treatment, you may develop cellulitis(infection) or DVD(blood clot) both of which are potentially fatal.kathleen neuhoff DPM.
The scenario you tell makes it sound like you have what is called venous insufficiency. However, you are very young to have that problem. There is a test that can be done to test for it called a venous duplex that can be ordered by a podiatrist.
There are many reasons for swollen lower extremities. I would contact a local physician for assessment and treatment plans
Swelling can occur for many different reasons. Sometimes it could be as simple as your diet and other timely to be due to some type systemic issues such as heart, kidney. I would suggest that you see her primary care physician for a full workup to see where the swelling may be coming from. At that time appropriate treatment can be given once the cause of the swelling has been identified. Jonathan M. Kletz, DPM Texas Foot WorksDallas, Athens and Gun Barrel City Texas214-340-8885