Urologist Questions Urologist

Test result?

I had a scrotum ultrasound. On impression it said this:

Enlarged left epididymis with significant increased flow consistent
with acute epididymitis.
Mild increase flow in the bilateral testes and right epididymis may
represent orchitis and right epididymitis.
Moderate complex left hydrocele.
Inguinal lymphadenitis.
Small right mediastinal metastasis.

What’s that mean.

Male | 43 years old

1 Answer

The report is confusing. Talk to your physician regarding what he/she thinks. The report says your epididymis is infected and that infection may have entered a testicle (epididymoorchitis infection of epididymis and testicle)on the right side. The epididymis on the left is infected as well. Your scrotum is probably enlarged due to fluid surrounding it which may be due to the infection. What the infection is and how it will be treated (e.g. antibiotics) is a decision your urologist will make. I do not understand the last sentence regarding the center of the testis, the mediastinum, and its association with metastasis. Make sure the report does not have a typo by talking to your urologist.