Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

Urinary problems?

I have urine problems, I'm going about every 2 hrs and having a hard time getting it all out. I do have diabetes and take the pill daily. Why do I keep peeing? I do see blood at times too.

Female | 71 years old
Complaint duration: months
Medications: glimpride pill
Conditions: tired

5 Answers

Frequent urination can be caused by a number of conditions including high blood sugars, diuretics, neurogenic bladder, calcium disorders, pituitary disorders urinary tract infections, and bladder tumors. See your doctor for a proper evaluation. Most causes are easily treated.
Dear patient,

Sorry for this problem, but the frequent urination can be due to several issues which need consideration: First, is your diabetes controlled, as blood sugars over 180 may cause frequent urination; secondly, chronic infection with blood in the urine can cause frequency, even though painless. The blood may also reflect a disease process occurring in your urinary system such as a polyp, stone, or tumor. Third, difficulty emptying means an obstructive process or bladder abnormality. You should see your physician to have blood sugar control evaluated and to see if you need further referral to urologIst and gynecologist to rule out infection, pathological defect in urinary system, or obstruction.


Marvin A. Leder, MD FACP FACE
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Because of your age, history of prolapse/pessary and Diabetes, you need a complete urologic evaluation to determine how to improve these symptoms. There are too many complicating factors to give a simple answer.
Blood in the urine is a serious problem that requires a visit to a urologist. The urine has to be tested, imaging of the kidneys is often necessary, and the urologist has to look inside the bladder with a camera, a procedure called cystoscopy. For more information, visit:

Dr. Shakuri-Rad
You may have an enlarged prostate that may be the cause of difficulty initiating urination. The presence of blood in the urine observed by the naked eye requires more evaluation.
You should see a Urologist for further evaluation.