Allergist and Immunologist Questions Allergies

Using an EpiPen

Is it painful if I have to use my Epi Pen? It scares me to think of it.

4 Answers

It should not. You should have someone demonstrate the use of the pen so you are comfortable in time of an emergency.
It is a tiny needle hidden inside a plastic container which pops out of the container under pressure. It is meant to be used in the mid-thigh area and you don't have that many nerve endings there. You will feel a sting, but it shouldn't hurt too much.
If one has serious allergy for which one has to use EpiPen, consequences of not taking it when it is needed are much more scary than thinking about the pain of injection.
I am not an allergists & have had little direct experience with EpiPens so I will answer this question with a little generality. Medical pens today have very small (called micro or nano) needles that are virtually non-painful. I have had a lot of experience with these pens in people with diabetes and if inserted rapidly they are essentially painless. Epinephrine itself can cause some discomfort in the tissue but if you are having a severe allergic reaction a little discomfort is better than losing your life. The discomfort is not bad & doesn't last long. Don't be afraid. your life could be at risk if you hesitate.