Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Specialist | Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Questions OB-GYN

Uterine dehiscence?

Can a uterine dehiscence heal naturally over time? I’m 15 months postpartum I had a large window at my scheduled C-section at 36 weeks in the fundus where my 2 previous classicals were performed for pregnancies 1 and 3. During my scheduled C-section my classical incision opened so now I have an inverted T which she only closed in a single layer because of the thinning. My ob/gyn said I would be really high risk for rupturing in future pregnancies but things may be okay. I just want to know if it’s possible to completely heal or is it not worth the risk?

Female | 26 years old

2 Answers

The uterus will heal, but the thinning will reoccur with every pregnancy and during contractions. You are definitely at high risk for uterine rupture, so having a third c-section, you need to discuss with your present physician. Your records need to be reviewed and make a decision and plan moving forward.

It wouldn’t typically heal more than what it was repaired, and most people would agree that a prior dehiscence is very concerning for another dehiscence as it indicates muscle weakness. Having a detailed conversation with your doctor about the risks and options is the best way forward.