Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

Venlafaxine/effexor side effect?

Hello, so yesterday I went to the cardiologist due to chest pressure/pain that was a mild sort of like an annoyance. They did two tests on me and they said my heart was completely fine but that I have pretty bad anxiety. They gave me 75mg if venlafaxine and I took the pill yesterday and today all of a sudden as I was urinating I felt pain/pressure in the middle of my chest, my heartbeat felt like it had increased and my neck and torso area felt a bit hot. Are these side effects of the medicine?

Male | 22 years old

2 Answers

Possibly as it does have some autonomic nervous system side effects. It can cause erectile dysfunction including difficulty with ejaculation, dizzyness, nausea,blurred vision AND URINARY FREQUENCY. So yes. they may want to choose a diffrent agent.
That is a large dose of the drug to start with. It can cause your symptoms. You should call your doctor right away and report the side effects. They can be dangerous.