Surgeon Questions

Want to know if its okay to stop dressing wound.

Hey, so I had surgery 9 days ago on my thigh to remove a piece of metal from an old injury. The wound is 10cm long, bone deep on my thigh. My doctor said it *should* be okay to stop dressing my wound after 7-10 days but to just keep it clean.
I have dissolvable stitches and the site looks fine, i am a AFR-medic so i am good at wound cleaning but don't know if it's ready to be exposed.
I am slightly unwell at the moment just due to my COPD being a pain, and my doctors appointment has also been rescheduled for in 7 days so i can't get in to see my doctor for a little while.

I want just some advice whether its okay to stop dressing the wound? I have allergies to adhesive, methyl-acrylate and acrylate so wound dressings do get quite itchy (it's not severe and i take antihistamines for it) so the sooner i can stop dressing the happier i am.

I have attached an image of the site (taken last night) - Yellowing is from topical antiseptic (Povidone-iodine)

Male | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 9 Days
Medications: Amitriptyline + Duloxetine (For Fibromyalgia) Propranolol (For POTS) Promethazine for allergies - Currently also using Tapentadol when pain is severe
Conditions: COPD, IBS, Fibromyalgia, POTS & Allergies

1 Answer

Focus on nutrition to heal the wound. No further dressing needed.