Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

What age does reflux peak in babies?

My baby is 6 months old. I want to know what age does reflux peak in babies?

3 Answers

Any time after birth, and it gets better between 6-9 months of age. In about 99% of newborns, it goes away by 9 months.
Reflux is physiologic in newborns and infants until such time as the gastroesophageal sphincter becomes competent. This typically occurs somewhere around 6 months of age, which loosely correlates with the time that the infant has enough core strength to sit up in a high chair without additional support, and is beginning to take solid foods. Prior to that time, as the infant takes larger volumes of liquid (breastmilk/formula), it could appear that the reflux is "worsening;" rather, the "increase" in symptoms merely reflects the larger volume of liquid being ingested with each feed. As most reflux in infants is NOT associated with an "illness," antacid medications such as famotidine or omeprazole are not only not indicated, but may be harmful.

Shelley C. Springer, MD, MBA, MSc, JD, FAAP
Peaks at 4-6 months but should resolve on its own by 12-15 months.