Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

What are the long term effects of Botox?

I am a 28 year old female. I want to know what are the long term effects of Botox?

5 Answers

Good Morning,

4 to 6 months
While there are no known adverse side effects of Botox with long term use, there is also no proof that early use of Botox over time will prevent or delay onset of facial wrinkles. Some patients can build up resistance or antibodies with long-term use, requiring increasing doses to maintain effectiveness. And despite regular Botox use, your face will continue to age.
Please call a board certified plastic surgeon for a well-informed consultation.

I have seen no negative long-term effects. The greatest effect might be a decrease in wrinkles.

Robert M. Dryden, M.D.

Good question. No real long term issues with Botox, however, after years of injections people can develop antibodies or resistance to Botox.