Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Specialist Questions Vitamins

What are the multivitamins to be given to a 6 weeks old baby?

My little one is 6 weeks old now and the doctor has still not advised any multivitamins. Are there any multivitamins to be given to a six weeks old baby? Please advice.

3 Answers

There are many formulas available with multivitamins and iron, alone or separate. Best to talk to your pediatrician or to your local pharmacist to see what they have.
The only supplement your baby should receive if you are breast feeding is Vitamin D. Breast milk has all the ingredients your baby needs if you consume a normal healthy diet. (If you feed your baby formula, vitamin D is already added). Later on, your baby will also need supplemental iron to prevent toddler's anemia.
Are you breast feeding? If so, your baby needs vitamin supplements, primarily vitamin D and iron. If your baby was born prematurely, further supplementation may be necessary.