Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist) Questions Podiatrist

What are the side effects of a cortisone shot for heel spur?

I have a heel spur. What are the side effects of a cortisone shot for heel spur?

4 Answers

Some get localized pain, swelling or fat atrophy in the area.
Rarely there is a more serious complication or adverse reaction for which you should confact who gave you the injection
Hi! Side effects of steroid injection can include but are not limited to fat pad atrophy, thinning of skin, discoloration of skin in individuals with darker pigmentation, tendon rupture etc.
Depending on what medications are used, sometimes there is increased pain before relief sets in. I recommend you make an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for evaluation and treatment options.
There are no side effects to a cortisone shot as long as you are not allergic to cortisone. There is a very rare occurrence called a 'steroid flare' where some people will get a painful reaction to a cortisone injection that can last a few days afterwards, but it is very rare. You may only have 3 cortisone injections in a given location during a 12 month period to prevent any weakening/atrophy of soft tissues.