Urologist Questions

What, biologically, stops a man from getting erect again and again?

I know that it's dangerous to have an erection for too long and why.

But, after I orgasm and go soft again, why can't I get hard immediately after? If erections are caused by blood flowing into the penis, I didn't lose blood during orgasm. Can't blood just flow back as many times as I want?

Male | 26 years old
Complaint duration: 20 years

1 Answer

Good question, orgasm and erections have opposite nerve impulses. During and prior to orgasm, the parasympathetic, nervous system dilates the blood vessels, and then, when you orgasm, this is a sympathetic response, which then tightens the blood vessels and reverses the parasympathetic nerve supply hence why the erection goes down. Sent from my iPhone Dr. Niko Lailas, Director, Center for Robotic and Minimally Invasive Surgery, Reston Hospital Center urologygroupvirginia.com<http://urologygroupvirginia.com/> Like us on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/TheUrologyGroup> Follow @LMGdocs on Twitter<https://twitter.com/docsLMG> Follow us on Google+<https://plus.google.com/+TheUrologyGroupLmg/posts> Follow us on YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBb5PPv5PVGU6y9LeBWImlQ?view_as=public> Join us on Linked In<http://www.linkedin.com/pub/theurologygroup-lmg/78/3/ba3/>