Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopedist

What can I take for pain after knee surgery?

I had knee surgery 2 days ago. What can I take for pain after knee surgery?

3 Answers

Try nsaids like Motrin or Tylenol , don't forget to ice
Knee surgery might include arthroscopy for meniscal tear; anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction; and total knee replacement. Pain control is entirely contingent upon which surgery type you had, since some types of surgery preclude you from having antiinflammatory type drugs due to abnormal healing. Some cases respond to acetaminophen (Tylenol); some to NSAIDS (Advil if not contraindications); topical local anesthetics (Lidocaine 4% or equivalent); topical antiinflammatories (Diclofenac 1.3% cream); and some require stronger medications like Tramadol. I encourage you to ask your surgeon about what is appropriate depending upon the nature and extent of your unique surgery type. Good luck!
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Following your MD's prescription orders is best but the movement is the best thing to help reduce the pain fast. There are a few exceptions depending on your surgery but the movement is the best thing to help right now. I know it will be painful and sore to move your knee but the more you do the better.