Neurologist Questions Neurologist

What can you do about my migraine?

I have a migraine and want to treat it. What can you do about my migraine?

3 Answers

As a neurosurgeon, migraines are largely not considered surgical. Consider discussing your headache with your doctor, who may start you on medication or refer you to a neurologist for more complex testing and treatment.
Hello! As a neurosurgeon there are not many solutions I can offer directly for migraine patients. I would recommend you reach out to a headache neurologist who can help you find a medication regimen or alternative treatments. Stay healthy, Aleka Scoco, MD
Depends. I can't do anything unless I have the opportunity to learn more about your unique headache. Not all headaches are migraines and not all migraines are benign. In addition, you may be having a combination of headache plus a migraine. I honestly don't know unless if I am evaluating you. You are more than welcome to reach out to our clinic at and we can work with you to get you on a path to healing.