Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (Pediatric) Questions Ear pain

What could be causing my ear pain?

In the beginning of the summer, I think I may have gotten water in my ear. Now, I have constant ear pain. I have been to the doctor, and they let me know that I do not have an ear infection. What could be causing this pain?

1 Answer

If there is no infection, the pain can be from three things:

1. There can be some wax against the ear drum that is causing pressure and would have gotten worse if water saturated it.
2. TMJ is an inflammation of the joint between the skull and the jaw, and if that is irritated, it will present with ear pain.
3. If the eustachian tube (drainage tube between the ear and the nose) is intermittently blocked, it can cause some ear discomfort without actually causing an ear infection or ear fluid.

Ari Goldsmith