Doctor Questions Doctor

What do I do?

What I should do, lately I have been getting severe headaches and sharp pains only on my right temple only at night as I head to bed. I also have pain in my canines on my right side and my right sinuses feel like someone's trying to expand it and blow cold air in my sinus. I end up waking up three to five times a night. I'm afraid and am not sure what to do any advice is appreciated.

Female | 22 years old
Complaint duration: 5 days
Medications: I have been taking Advil and melatonin
Conditions: N/A

2 Answers

Headaches have many causes and are difficult to treat. If you have any other symptoms such as fever or nausea or dizziness or a stiff neck you should go to the emergency room. You should first see you primary care provider to check for routine causes of headache and you may be directed to see a dentist or sinus specialist. If the headaches persist, you should see a headache specialist.Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
You need to see your primary care doctor for a complete exam and if there
is pain in your teeth and sinuses you need a CT scan of your sinuses as
well. It could be a tooth abscess, chronic sinusitis causing headaches.