Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

What does high eye pressure feel like?

I am a 38 year old male. I want to know what does high eye pressure feel like?

2 Answers

The great majority of patients with high eye pressure don't feel anything out of the ordinary. The only way to reliably determine the eye pressure is to have an ophthalmologist test the pressure.

Just today, for the first time, I saw an unfortunate gentleman who hadn't been examined anywhere in 17 years. He thought his vision was getting bad because of cataract. Sadly, he was essentially blind in one eye, and the other was severely damaged. The pressure in his right eye was 37 and 49 in his left. Normal is 10 to 21 on the same scale used to measure blood pressure. He never had the slightest discomfort. We will not be able to restore any of his lost vision, and it will be difficult to retain what remains, as his eyes are so badly damaged.
Most people with high intraocular pressure do not experience any symptoms. Regular eye examinations are important to identify if you have high intraocular pressure and any damage to your optic nerve.