Infectious Disease Specialist Questions Infectious Disease Specialist

What exact medicine can I buy to cure chicken pox?

I have small swellings all over the body. I have no medication yet but non-allergic to medicines. And 10 years of age.

Male | 10 years old
Complaint duration: 4 days
Medications: None
Conditions: Non allergic

5 Answers

Without being seen by your pediatrician, you cannot be sure of your diagnosis. And you should have already received the chicken pox vaccine. Children are routinely recommended to receive the first dose at 12 through 15 months old and a second dose at 4 through 6 years old. My recommendation is that you have your parents make an appointment with your pediatrician, or take you to an urgent care center where you can be properly evaluated.
There is a prescription medicine your doctor can order called Acyclovir. However, the diagnosis must be confirmed by your doctor, and most of the time, we would not treat it in children. Do NOT take aspirin! It can cause a bad syndrome when you have active Chicken Pox.
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There is no cure or treatment for chickenpox at this stage though it is highly contagious and treatment is for symptoms and complications you should consult your pediatrician
Topical (place on your skin) calamine lotion or Caladryl (generic forms are available), which contains an anti allergy, anti-itch component, are both good. Oatmeal baths can also be a relief. Finally, ask your doctor for a prescription for acyclovir (or valacyclovir) - started in the first 48 hours, this stuff is a miraculous cure.
There are no medicines that cure chickenpox. Sometimes older children are given acyclovir, but it only helps a little bit. The disease has to run its course. If you get a high fever or you get redness or increased swelling around the original bumps/blisters, you need to see a doctor. Sometimes they get infected with bacteria, especially if they are scratched at.

Randall Fisher, M.D.