Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

What happens to a tooth after a root canal?

I will have a root canal. What happens to a tooth after a root canal?

6 Answers

A root canal is generally done to treat an infected nerve in a tooth. Afterwards the recommended treatment is a post and crown.
Hi, The tooth will no longer have feeling to temperature. A root canal is performed to preserve the tooth.
Root canals are an attempt to remive the dead or diseased tissue from inside of a tooth. Teeth typically get more brittle after the root canal is done and may need a crown.
Usually, if the tooth has had a history of large or multiple fillings, it is best to restore it with a crown for maximum strength. If, however, the tooth was simply injured by a hard blow that ended up killing the pulp, and there is no prior loss of tooth structure to caries or fillings, then sometimes all that is necessary is a filling where the root canal was done. Dr. Conrad
When a tooth has been through a root canal procedure, the tooth is saved, but it’s blood supply and nerve structures are removed. It means the tooth becomes a bit fragile, and that is why, in most cases, protection by covering the tooth with a crown is the best option. The crown protects the tooth by acting as a shield which dissipates the forces the tooth will be receiving when one bites and chews.

These teeth are usually restored with a filling to fill in the access opening that the root canal is done through and then crowned as the final restoration.