Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

What is the best diet for gastritis?

I have gastritis and want to have a healthy diet. What is the best diet for gastritis?

4 Answers

How do you know you have gastritis? Do you have an infection with helicobacter pylori? Do you have bile reflux gastritis from a backup of intestinal fluids into the stomach?? You have to know the cause before you can treat it. For now, you can avoid all alcohol, spicy food especially foods with capes in (from things like Chile peppers or hot sources), and coffee.
Gastritis is irritation of the stomach. You will want to avoid alcohol and cigarettes/vaping. Some medications like Motrin/ibuprofen can also be very irritating to the stomach so limiting them is also important. You will also want to avoid fast food as it has lots of additives and preservatives that can irritate the stomach. Other foods include caffeine, citrus, and very spicy food. Focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, and plenty of water. Adults should drink between 60-70 oz of water per day minimum - it is a lot I know!
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The best foods to avoid for gastritis are spicy foods, greasy foods, fried foods, alcohol and caffeine.
Diet doesn't cause gastritis, and most gastritis does not cause symptoms. Doctors who tell you this are perpetuating a myth.
If you get symptoms after eating food, the problem is almost always what we call dyspepsia or postprandial distress syndrome.
Find a good GI doctor to help with this, not someone who will dismiss it as "gastritis".