Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

What is the best nose non-surgical procedure?

I am a 30 year old female. I want to know what is the best nose non-surgical procedure?

6 Answers

The appropriate procedure can be recommended with an exam. A board-certified plastic surgeon will determine which procedure is best for you when you go for a consultation.
If you are a candidate, a liquid rhinoplasty can be a great option. It’s not for everyone. For some asymmetries and deformities, it can be a real work of art.
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Restylane injections
The nose seems to always involve a surgical procedure in order to change the appearance. Please consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon.
There are a variety of non-surgical treatments to improve your nose's appearance, from its external skin to its overall shape and contour.

Starting with improving skin quality and texture, options include skin resurfacing, whether using laser, radiofrequency, or dermabrasion. These options usually require multiple treatments, spaced at least 4-6 weeks apart, for best results. Another option is to apply chemical peels, which resurfaces skin chemically rather than mechanically. Again, as with the previously mentioned treatments, peels also require multiple sessions.

Think of your skin like a canvas, and everything underneath providing structure. While surgery can address both, the result can be underwhelming if the canvas is not smooth and healthy. Non-surgical interventions can help make the canvas appear as smooth and healthy as possible, which by itself can make your nose appear noticeably improved, and at the least would make a surgical result such as a rhinoplasty (nose job) appear even better.

What you may see a lot of on social media is improving the nose by injections of fillers. Dermal fillers are usually composed of hyaluronic acid (HA), but there are alternatives out there that are more semi-permanent, such as Radiesse (a calcium-based product). HA fillers can give you immediate, noticeable results right after injection; however, HA fillers also wear off, anywhere from 9 months to 2 years post-treatment.

Popular areas to treat on the nose are the nasal dorsum and the nasofrontal angle (the junction between your forehead and the beginning of the slope of your nose).

Another thing to be aware of regarding injection of HA fillers to the nose (or any fillers, for that matter):
The answer to your question really depends on what functional or aesthetic problem you’re hoping to correct. Cosmetically the options are really limited to improving skin quality with dermatological theories or using fillers to camouflage a prominent dorsal bump. Functionally an ENT may be able to help with congestion or airflow with pharmacological therapies or minor in office procedures.