Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

What is the best treatment for a gum recession?

I have gum recession. What is the best treatment for a gum recession?

6 Answers

Gum recession can be caused by many things, so its important to find out the cause first. Some causes are from an improper bite (teeth not in the correct position), grinding/clenching, and also from aggressive toothbrushing.
After the cause is known, treatment of gum recession can be done with a connective tissue graft. This means that a donor site (typically on the palate) will be used to reattach tissue back to where you have the gum recession.
It may require a gingival graft but it is important to see a periodontist.
That depends on the cause which is why it is important to see your dentist regularly. Jim Kline
Gum recession doesn't necessitate treatment. Next, treatment for sensitivity? Flouride (Act). Treatment for esthetics? Gin gival graft surgery.
Start off with deep cleanings. Follow up with your regular maintenance therapy. The most important is consistency in oral hygiene care.
Gum Grafting