Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

What is the leading treatment for depression?

I was diagnosed with depression. What is the leading treatment for depression?

5 Answers

The leading treatments for depression include cognitive-behavioral therapy as well as a psychotropic medication, typically an antidepressant. Ideally they would be prescribed concurrently. Antidepressants address the neurotransmitters that affect your mood (e.g., serotonin, norepinephrine) and change them to be at a more optimal level. Therapy addresses the negative thoughts that individuals with depression may face as well as provide coping skills that those can use when they experience those episodes.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a well-known treatment for depression and a variety of other mental health disorders. CBT can help identify and challenge the unhelpful thoughts that are maintaining negative views about oneself, the present, and the future. Best Regards, Dr. Jennifer Daffon, PsyD
Currently, we have a number of options. The best treatment is the combination of two: Psychopharmacology and cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) focus on Depressive symptoms.
This topic has been studied in depth. If you adhere to your clinician's directions and participate (fill out) the identified interventions thoroughly, then it has been shown to be relatively equally effective as SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.) CBT treatments have been shown to have less recidivism (fewer participants relapsed.)

All of our current studies indicate taking an anti-depressant and undergoing CBT therapy is the most efficacious treatment for depression.
The best treatment for the treatment of depression is CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
Cognitive-behavior therapy combined with an antidepressant.