Gastroenterology & Hepatology Questions Gastroenterlogist

What is this abscess?

I have an abscess on my anus area and it hurts really bad.

Male | 25 years old
Complaint duration: 6 months
Medications: None
Conditions: Pus leaking

6 Answers

Abscess is a puss pocket which will need drained, you should see a medical provider to help you.. you might also need antibiotics.
Perisnal abscess. Sits baths. May need I and D (incision and drainage), antibiotics.
Usually will resolve itself. if persists, need antibiotics and surgery if not resolved.
Go see a doctor. Get a CT scan of the pelvis. Do not ignore this.
Abscess is a collection of pus, it usually results from untreated infection, you need to see your doctor to start you on treatment, and probably you need a surgical referral.
It might be a simple infected hair follicle but it can be a sign of other problems. Best to be evaluated by a colorectal surgeon.