Adolescent Psychiatrist Questions adolescent

What’s wrong with me?

lately i’ve been feeling kinda tired but i have alot of energy i dont sleep well or eat well, i am not on medication but i do take illicit drug i want to speak with an psychologist to overcome this addiction i also get angry so easily i don’t know why but it makes me say hurtful things then i start regretting it, i also get violent and start punching objects i start yelling and cussing my neighbors might call the cops on me for noise complaint

Male | 15 years old
Complaint duration: 2 months
Medications: n/a
Conditions: n/a

1 Answer

Hi my friend, thank you reaching out. Sometimes people self medicate with mood altering drugs or illicit drugs. I think the best advice would be to get evaluated for any underlying symptoms and then get the help and guidance of a professional.

Hope that helps. Dr Sangra