Endocrinology, Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

What should I do?

I think I might be diabetic but I don't have insurance, no job. What should I do?

Female | 39 years old

3 Answers

You should purchase a glucose meter (Walmart brand is more affordable than most) and if less than 140 before breakfast stick with a low carbohydrate diet and cut out processed meats and grains.
The first step would be to screen for diabetes mellitus. There are free clinics which can test for glucose and hemoglobin A1c (a measure of blood sugar average over several months) without charge. Local hospitals can advise you about availability. If the diagnosis is confirmed you can discuss options for medical care with a clinic social worker for programs that you may qualify for to cover medical care and supplies. Government funding is available for clinics to cover services and supplies in many cases. Pharmaceutical companies also have programs offering free medication based on income
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I would find an income based clinic in your area. I work at an institution like this now. For patients without insurance, they do not have to have for clinic visits or most medications. I am hoping for the best for you.