Anesthesiologist Questions Nephrologist

What type of sedation is used for a kidney biopsy?

I will have a kidney biopsy. What type of sedation is used for a kidney biopsy?

4 Answers

Kidney biopsy is usually done while you are awake. Local anesthetic is applied to the area of needle injection. Now, there is an open kidney biopsy, and, in this case, general anesthesia is required. In an open kidney biopsy, there is a small cut in the skin close to the kidney (right or left), and a small tissue sample is obtained during the procedure. After an open kidney biopsy, you are taken to the recovery room for several hours. The purpose to do this is to watch your blood pressure, pulse, and urine. In addition, they must check and make sure that you don’t have an internal bleeding at the biopsy site. They can release you the same day, however, sometimes, you must be overnight for observation. Some pain and soreness near the biopsy sit is expected. Make sure that you stay resting for at least two weeks before going back to your normal duties. Thank you.
For a kidney biopsy they will use local anesthesia with or without mild
conscious sedation.
General anesthesia is recommended
It depends on anesthesiologist.