Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesiologist

Where does your mind go when under anesthesia?

I am a 36 year old male. I want to know where does your mind go when under anesthesia?

8 Answers

You will be in a state of suspended thought. When you awaken it will seem that no time at all has passed. Good luck!
It goes to sleep. The level of sleep where you will not dream.
Well, your "mind," aka your brain, stays exactly where it lives - between your ears nestled in your cranium. Under general anesthesia or deep IV sedation, the medications and gases essentially create a disconnect between your body and brain, inhibiting pain and creating an amnestic state. Rest assured that your mind and cognitive state will return upon emergence from anesthesia.
While under general anesthesia, patients usually experience pleasant dreams, but sometimes hidden fears and anxieties become unmasked and patients may express those emotions.

Where does your mind go when you are sleep?! Under general anesthesia, you are in a very deep state of sleep. All the conscious brain activity fully stops, but recovers slowly as the general anesthesia wears off.
With best wishes. Thank you.
In the context that you use the word “mind”, that is simply the state of awake consciousness. A general anesthetic temporarily halts the sense of consciousness and any memory during that period of time.
You are totally unconscious, so you are not aware of anything. Brain activity slows, so you are unconscious.