Adolescent Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Where should I go to get help?

I suffer from OCD and my medicine dosage has been changed, making me feel worse. I’m not sure what to do as talking about my problems doesn’t work anymore and I need immediate help. My OCD has given me depression and has made me feel miserable to the point where I can’t function. I have no motivation to talk to anyone and I don’t know what to do to get help. I don’t think I can wait any longer and I’m going crazy.

Female | 16 years old
Complaint duration: About a year
Medications: Sertraline

4 Answers

Talk to your provider about meds. Meds that increase serotonin help with OCD. Maybe you need a switch to some thing else, other than Zoloft.

Hope that helps.
Dr Sangra
Hi sad girl,

Since I don't know your name I'm writing to you as "sad girl". I can hear the anguish in your request. Yes, there is help and hope for OCD sufferers. Please tell me where you're located so that I can recommend the best psychotherapist to help you through this difficult time. Often OCD develops in relation to a trauma that had occurred, at some point, in a person's life when they felt unsafe and not in control of their lives. Take solace in the knowledge that there are specialists who work, primarily, with people who suffer from OCD. I'll look for your response.


Dr. Natalie Winters

"Within us is the soul of the whole; the wise silence, the universal beauty, to which every part and particle is equally related; the eternal ONE." Emerson
Namaste, I am sorry to hear that you are suffering from OCD and your medicine does not seem to be working to your advantage.  As I am not a psychiatrist I am not able to advise you on medicines.  Have you consulted a psychiatrist who specializes in OCD-related issues? Have you sought Hypnotherapy?  As I do not know where you are located I would suggest that you look into International OCD Foundation, their website is their contact information is, and hope that you will find your local resources through them. Take care and remain safe.
Please get to see a psychiatrist to get your treatment evaluated. Even though you are on good medication but there are some other medications that could be of better help particularly for OCD that could be determined by the Psychiatrist.