OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Why do I bleed during intercourse?

After sex I always bleed. Me and my partner both got checked, there are no diseases and it burns when I pee.

Female | 17 years old
Complaint duration: 2 months

3 Answers

It is possible for patients to bleed after intercourse- some of the reasons we look for: infection, abnormal cervical cells, and in your case if you were checked for all the STIs and other vaginal infections could be friable cervix or mechanical trauma from intercourse. I would speak to your ob-gyn to see what the possible reason for you is.
You need to have a physical exam to see why – you may have a tear in the opening of the vagina or a thin area that tears with sex. You may have an abnormality on the cervix that bleeds with touching, which would occur with sex. It isn’t possible to diagnose without looking to see what is going on.
Bleeding after intercourse can come from the vagina, the skin of the outer vagina(the labia), the urethra, or the rectum. If you are sure it is coming from the vagina, then it and the cervix should be examined in detail. Most commonly there is an inflammation of the cervix, from whatever cause, and it causes the cervix to bleed when manipulated as it can be with intercourse. Sometimes, there is a lesion, like a polyp or a fibroid, in the canal of the cervix and it cannot readily be seen on examination. Polyps, which are benign and not cancerous, can bleed as well as fibroids. It may take more than one examination for the cause of the bleeding to become apparent. If you are having pain with urination, the most common cause is a bacterial infection of the urethra or the bladder. There are other causes, but this is the most common.