Dentist Questions Dentist

Why do I develop gum pain after drinking cold liquids?

Whenever I drink an ice cold lemonade or frosty beer my gums tingle for a while. Is this normal or do I have dental issues?

3 Answers

This is a very good question.

It is common to have issues with sensitivity to cold due to so many factors. Gum recession is one very common reason, another reason is demineralization of enamel, another would be decay, but that may also be accompanied by sensitivity to sweets. Be very careful to brush gently, avoiding aggressive, hard, manual toothbrushes. Make sure to visit your dentist, get some gum pockets measurements done and check up X-rays, to rule out any cavities.
It is possible that you have gum recession and spe root surface is re-exposed. This surface is very sensitive as it is not covered with enamel. A dental visit is suggested to properly diagnose.
Receded gums causing root sensitivity is quite common. Tingling gums is not common. I recommend seeing your dentist or an oral medicine specialist.