Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

Why do I feel light headed after acupuncture?

After acupuncture treatment I feel lightheaded. What could be the cause?

16 Answers

It is important to let your provider know you are experiencing lightheaded feelings after treatment sessions. Your provider should be able to help you out with this.
Energy deficiency, will be find after rest. remember, Acupuncture is no side effects therapy, any reaction is your body creating.
It usually occurs after the initial visit. It is because your vital signs alternated via the needling effects.
Lightheadedness can be caused by getting an acupuncture treatment when you are dehydrated or haven’t eaten anything prior to the treatment. Lightheadedness can also occasionally occur if the treatment is too strong (including when too many needles are used) or if the needles are left in for too long.
There are many causes however I found that it is important to eat a snack before coming to acupuncture. For some people, they feel pressure in their sinuses as they lay face down and the difference in pressure with the ears make them feel dizzy when they stand up so it takes a couple of minutes for it to resolve. Make sure you communicate this information to your acupuncturist so he or she can better assist you. If the lightheadedness is uncomfortable, it is possible to ask the therapist to be treated it in a sitting position.
Low blood sugar and low blood pressure. Or you may not have eaten enough prior to treatment.
did you eat before your treatment? It is important to have food before your treatment. Also please contact your provider and let them know that you felt light headed and they can help
Feeling light headed after acupuncture is not an uncommon side effect. Some of the contributing factors to getting light headed include low blood sugar from not having eaten recently, if you haven't been drinking enough water. Other factors can include if the treatment was too strong for example with needle manipulation that was too strong for the patient's constitution, or if electroacupuncture stimulation was too long (longer than 25-30 minutes) this is because of the endorphin effect released. When removing the needles it is helpful it is helpful to go from top to bottom Yin before Yang, if these are not done in this order then this can cause the patient to feel lightheaded. The lightheaded symptom usually goes away after a few minutes, if this occurs you can sit there and have a few sips of water and it will help and usually resolves within 5-minutes. It is advisable to wait until the lightheaded symptoms subside before getting into your car to drive. I hope this information is helpful.
Oftentimes, when patients feel lightheaded after treatment, it can be due to the following: not eating enough high nutritional value food before treatment, detoxification from medications, post-trauma release response, and dehydration.
It is not often, but it's normal for some patients to feel light-headed after acupuncture treatment. But the light-headed should be gone within 8 hours.
That is very common due to all the QI moving. It is best to lay a few minutes after the needles are taken out, get up slowly, and ask for water while you are sitting on the treatment table first.
This is a common effect due to the fact that acupuncture lowers blood pressure slightly.
This is a normal reaction because the acupuncture activated your body to heal itself. Take it easy after the treatment.
It might be multiple causes. First of all, it might be caused by the acupuncturist, I mean that was his factor... Secondly, it may have happened if it's your factor, such as at that time when you entered the clinic you've already felt very tired and body felt very sick. If it was true, after acupuncture treatment, you will feel lightheaded, sometimes, it might occur if before treatment, but the whole morning you didn't eat any food, or it may be caused by unidentified reasons.
I expect my patients to be lightheaded after a treatment. I think it's because they become so deeply relaxed during the treatment. Nothing to worry about. Just sit for a minute after your treatment before you stand up until it passes.
Acupuncture has been shown to increase the endogenous production of NO (nitrous oxide). NO is a very potent vasodilator. When blood vessels are dilated, the pressure drops and patients will often experience some degree of lightheadedness. It shouldn't last long, and most patients get used to it after a few treatments.