Urologist Questions Urinary Tract Infections

Why does it feel like my UTI hasn't gone away?

I had a UTI about a month ago, and I feel like it never really went away! I used a test strip that came back positive, and went to urgent care. When they did a dip test and sent it to the lab it came back negative. I then used another test strip that came back positive again. I'm not sure what is going on but it is painful! I don't have blood in my urine or a fever, but I do have frequent urination. I also have a major history with UTI's. Can you suggest anything?

Female | 49 years old
Complaint duration: 34

3 Answers

A clean catch urine should be sent for microscopic examination and for culture and sensitivity and treat accordingly. If infection persists and symptoms remain, then you need to see a urologist for further investigation.
Your symptoms may be consistent with interstitial cystitis. You should see a urologist or UroGynecologist for better assessment of your symptoms as they may not be related to an infection.
You may be eating something that makes you feel like you have a UTI such as spicy food or coffee. If your dipstick at home is positive it could be contamination from your vagina. If you have a long history of UTIs and haven't been evaluated by a urologist, it's time.