Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

Why does my newborn keep getting diarrhea?

My newborn baby keeps getting diarrhea. What can I do? Should I take her to a doctor?

2 Answers

While it is normal for newborn stool to be looser than toddler or adult stool, it is possible that diarrhea in a newborn could be caused by an underlying health problem. It would be advisable to discuss your concern with your child's pediatrician who knows their health history and who can do an evaluation and can advise you accordingly. If you see blood in the stool it would be important to seek a more urgent evaluation.
A lot of things can cause diarrhea in newborn babies with the most common being an infection. If that is the case then you just need to give it time and allow the baby to fight off the infection on their own. Other possible causes would include a dietary issue with an allergy to milk being the most common. Therefore either a formula change or mother being on a dairy free diet while still breast-feeding would be the answer.