Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Why does popping joints feel good?

I am a 26 year old female. I want to know why does popping joints feel good?

5 Answers

Popping your joints increases flexibility and releases endorphins. It also stimulates parts of your brain that block pain. There is a fine balance between joints that are moving well and are stuck. If you find yourself needing to pop your joints constantly or if it hurts to pop them, please visit a chiropractor for an assessment! And PLEASE never attempt to pop your own neck!
Endorphins are feel-good chemicals that flood your brain following joint manipulation. They are one of many biochemicals that are released that inhibit or block pain receptors. The cool part of it is this year's Nobel Prize winner discovered two types of pressure sensors loaded in the skin and our joints that feed every organ in our body. He stated that if those pressure sensors don’t fire off enough from not moving enough, it could lead to organ failure. Of course, only a trained chiropractor knows how to adjust spinal joints safely and effectively. You should not try it yourself, seek a chiropractor.
Popping joints feel good because the reaction of nitrogen gas releasing with pop releases endorphins to brain to feel good
Because popping a joint can relax all the muscles around that joint and it can also cause endorphins to be released which makes you feel good as well!
Popping the joints feels good because it inhibits pain receptors as well as gives a small rush of endorphins.