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Worried after dog bite?

I recently was bit by a dog (about a month ago), I believe the dog was up to date on his shots so I didn’t take the antibiotics they gave me. I just started taking them about three days ago when I noticed the area was still a bit swollen, red, and painful. The last two days I’ve had an overwhelming feeling of being hot and clammy but I don’t have a fever. I also feel disoriented and my legs and feet are numb and tingling. I’m not sure what is causing this, I’ve been researching and I’m not sure if this could be peripheral neuropathy, infection of the blood or tetanus (I never received that shot after the bite), or something else. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.


1 Answer

Good morning. It would be unusual, but not impossible, to experience a delayed infection after an animal bite. In addition, your symptoms of not feeling well are a concern of worsening (SPREAD to the blood or lymphatic system) infection. You clearly need to go to your local Emergency department for an evaluation, possible x-ray and additional blood work. You should not delay.

Dr. Seraly