Doctor Questions Doctor

Alopecia areata?

I don't have Alopecia Areata but I am just asking if Alopecia Areata can only affect your eyebrows?

Female | 17 years old

4 Answers

No, it can affect any area of hair, eyebrows, head arms. A dermatology consult is needed, maybe a neurologist also.
Yes it can affect your eyebrows
It affects scalp
I suppose it could, if you are stressed heavily (like most of the USA). Eyebrow hair grows/turns over much faster than scalp hair. If your situation doesn't improve over the next month, then you might get more hair loss on your scalp. This is assuming you aren't being treated for cancer. I hope you are eating enough protein. If you are not obese, I'd suspect stress or an eating disorder causing it.

Traci Fritz, MD