Anesthesiologist Questions General Anesthesia

I'm having a nose job. Will the anesthesia affect my high blood pressure?

I have high blood pressure. In a couple of weeks, I'm having plastic surgery to fix my nose. Will the anesthesia affect my blood pressure? I'm a bit nervous about it.

11 Answers

Yes, it usually lowers BP.
High blood pressure should be corrected prior to this elective surgery
Your blood pressure should be well controlled before undergoing any elective procedure.
The Anesthesiologist will monitor and control your blood pressure during the procedure
Anesthesia will lower the blood pressure normally. Mostly depends on the depth of anesthesia needed to do the procedure, meaning how comfortable you need to be kept.If the procedure is painful then the depth of anesthesia needs to be more and it can lower your pressure more. Since it is a completely monitored situation the blood pressure can be increased or decreased with appropriate medications.
It is advisable to take your usual antihypertensive medications before surgery (but advise your anesthesiologist if you are taking ACh inhibitors or ACh receptor blockers) and be reassured that the drugs that anesthesiologists use usually lower your blood pressure and that anesthesiologists routinely control blood pressure with antihypertensive drugs intravenously during surgery.
Yes anesthesia will affect your blood pressure... but if it is decently controlled it shouldn’t be a problem. Anesthesiologists can control your blood pressure raising or lowering it without much difficulty. As long it isn’t too high before the case it shouldn’t be a problem
It's possible, so it should be well controlled before your surgery. Also, certain meds should or should not be taken so make sure you get that info from your anesthesiologist, not the surgeon. Anesthesiologists are more up to date on the appropriate meds to take or hold before surgery.
It is always best to make sure your internist is aware of the surgery you are having and that there are no contraindications to having the surgery. In most cases, the anesthesia provider will meet with you briefly before the surgery to make sure as well everything is good to go. Most of the time, we ask that patients take the normal blood pressure medication prior to surgery. Most anesthetics utilized typically lower blood pressure local anesthetics may raise them slightly if they contain an additive that helps to prevent localized bleeding. However, the anesthesiologist is prepared for these things, and if you have any other concerns or questions, please feel free to ask your private physician and/or the anesthesia provider so that you won't worry.
Many patients have hypertension that are undergoing surgery. As long as your anesthesiologist is aware and knows what medicine you take for it, there should be no problem undergoing anesthesia and no problems with your blood pressure afterwards.
Anesthesia will actually lower your blood pressure. Additionally there are many other medications that anesthesiologists have available that will also lower your blood pressure. You don’t want to have a high blood pressure during your operation; because you will bleed and bruise more which interferes with the operation and your eventual aesthetic appearance. Take your blood pressure medications religiously.