Surgeon Questions surgeon


The lower stomach on my right side hurts but the pain isn't strong. It’s more like weak and I can only feel it when I’m sitting or sometimes standing. Is that gas?

Female | 15 years old
Complaint duration: 26/05/2020
Medications: none
Conditions: none

5 Answers

No, you need a CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis.
Doesn't sound like gas. Pain that varies with change in body position is usually not intestinal in origin. Rather, it is more likely abdominal wall or muscular. But best to get examined to try to narrow down the possibilities.
If It does not improve, then please visit your doctor.
Feel better soon.
Pain from appendicitis is typically located in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen between your hip bone and belly button. The pain may start off as generalized throughout the abdomen and then localize into that location. It is usually constant and typically does not come and go. It usually does not get better with passing gas or having a bowel movement. It may be associated with a loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fevers.
Probably not appendicitis, but could be many things causing discomfort in that area for female patients (including appendicitis). Best to get seen by medical provider if the symptoms persists or gets worse.